Town of Kingston
Kingston, MA
Up until a few years ago, the Town had no voice mail. Its aging but not-quite-centuries-old Centrex phone system was small, with none of the current-day communications capabilities and features most people today take for granted.
To provide its employees with the seamless ability to communicate with each other and the residents of Kingston, IT Director Marie Grossmann knew it was time for a communications system that would catch them up with the 21st century. Having a history of working with Partners Technology in the private sector, she turned to the unified communications specialists and Mitel Gold Exclusive Business Partner for help.
Town of Kingston Goals
- Replace an aging phone system and phones
- Select an easy-to-use system that was modern and included key features such as voice mail
- Provide employees with seamless ability to communicate with each other and the residents of Kingston.
Partners Technology Recommended Solutions
- Mitel VoIP Solution
- Mitel feature phones and soft phones
Town of Kingston Benefits
- Employees now can receive Voice Mails to their Email
- 20-30% savings on phone bill
- Improved efficiencies
- Improved customer support for town residents