Princess House


Princess House
Mansfield, MA

Princess House is a 58-year-old privately held Direct Selling company with a vision to grow for at least another 58 years. Over the years, they have evolved in their demographic reach and in their product offerings: from a company with a sales force of middle- America homemakers selling crystal and collectibles, to a home business opportunity that reaches a primarily Latino audience, sharing cookware, serveware, and home products with their friends and families. Today, they serve over 30,000 independent business owners across the United States.

“Our scalability has increased now that we’re able to add and remove agents and/or phone lines without the need to purchase additional licenses. We no longer need to deal with separate telecom providers either, which has shortened lead times in adding new lines. And with a single interface for all voice, text and email, we’re more available and accessible to our customers than ever before."
Bassam Alqassar
Princess House Vice President of Information Systems and Technology


Princess House Goals

  • Replace 12-year-old Mitel phone system
  • Replace on premise Call Center with Cloud-based solution to better support Remote Call Center Agents.
  • Improve scalability and flexibility
  • Reduce cost, eliminate the need for initial CapEx investment and improve ROI


Partners Technology Recommended Solutions

  • Mitel MiCloud Flex – Cloud-Based Unified Communications Solution
  • Use existing Mitel feature phones and soft phones as part of migration to MiCloud Flex


Princess House Benefits

  • Scalability. Now able to add and remove agents and/or phone lines without the need to purchase additional licenses
  • High availability
  • Eliminate the need to deal with Telecomm providers. Shortened lead time to add new phone lines.
  • Single interface for voice, Text/SMS, and Email

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